To create products and provide resources which promote the Junior Ranger Program and which support and encourage families in their Junior Ranger adventures throughout all the U.S. National Parks, State Parks and any public lands who offers a Junior Ranger Program.
Who We Are
Ranger Trek™ is owned and marketed by Been There Publications, LLC of Woodinville, WA USA. We’re creating great products that promote America’s Public Lands and the Junior Ranger programs as well as supporting the needs of Junior Ranger families. We love what we do.
The Team

Christina Isaacs
Creator, Founder, Owner, Sales, Marketing, and Accounting – Christina does it all. If you want to carry Ranger Trek™ products, contact Christina on the Contact Us page.

Eric Isaacs
Website Support, Information Technology, E-Commerce, Business Operations, and Road Trip Driver. – Eric keeps the wheels spinning.
We have grown to have a great respect for the Junior Ranger Programs offered by the National Park Service and other public lands. The Junior Ranger Programs engage children in a way that makes learning about each site they visit exciting. Because each Junior Ranger Program has it’s own unique badge or patch it’s fun to try to earn them all. Our children have each completed over 150 Junior Ranger Programs and they continue to complete more each year. The Junior Ranger Programs have helped to shape my children and instill in them a sense of stewardship for the Parks that will stay with them their whole lives. They will forever cherish the memories of our road trips and this legacy will be carried on by each of them to their families. We created the Ranger Trek™ Expedition Journals as a way to preserve those memories, while at the same time encouraging our children to continue their journey of visiting all of the National Parks. The journals are a beautiful keepsake that they will always treasure. They also encourage families to make visiting our National Parks an important part of their lives. Our national treasures are sites that need to be experienced in person to truly understand the wonder, history, and experiences they represent. We hope you set a goal with your family to visit as many as possible in their lifetimes.
We create unique products specifically designed for Junior Rangers and their families. The Ranger Trek™ Expedition Journal is a keepsake to keep, protect and display completed Junior Ranger booklets, the certificates that Junior Rangers earn and memories of your Junior Ranger adventures. It is similar to a scrapbook except it has the capacity to hold the thicker, multi-page Junior Ranger booklets unlike a traditional scrapbook. I have been taking my children to visit National Parks across the United States for over 10 years. Every time I came home from one of our trips I ended up putting all the Junior Ranger booklets and certificates in a box in the closet. It seemed a shame for all those memories to be hidden away. Completing all those Junior Ranger Programs is a huge accomplishment and I wanted a way that my children could display all of their work proudly, to organize the booklets so they could easily reference them and I wanted a solution that included pages to record our photo memories of our park visits. We created the Ranger Trek™ Expedition Journal for all the families like ours that frequent the parks in search of their next Junior Ranger badge.
Our Ranger Trek™ Expedition Journals, patches, and stickers are all manufactured, printed, and assembled in the United States of high-quality materials and workmanship. We strive to create products that will last.
We create products to keep, protect and display your Junior Ranger booklets, certificates and memories of your Junior Ranger adventures. In today’s digital world, we feel it’s important to create physical products that can become family keepsakes.
This country is full of amazing places and landmarks. Did you know that there are over 400 National Park Service sites? We want to bring attention to all of our nation’s National Parks and help you discover some you may not have known about. We encourage you to visit them all.
Start a legacy with your family of visiting the amazing places, learning about our nation’s history, and exploring the world we live in. Create a tradition that will be cherished by your children and grand-children as they grow up that will be passed down to future generations.
Because your Junior Ranger’s travel memories are precious, we focus on providing only high-quality products that will last and preserve those memories. We want to help you protect those memories for years to come.